Timed perfectly with the theatrical release of the sequel, Prince Caspian, Disney today announced the May 13, 2008 release date and specs for the Blu-ray release of The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe.
The Blu-ray will include the 135 minute theatrical cut instead of the 150 extended cut. Why they would go that route, I don’t know. The film itself will be presented in widescreen 2.4:1 1080p video and PCM 5.1 uncompressed 48 kHz/16-bit lossless audio.
Bonus features will include: “Battle For Narnia” Game, Creatures Of The World, Explore Narnia 3-D Map, Legends In Time, Audio Commentary With Director Andrew Adamson And Stars, Audio Commentary With The Filmmakers, The Bloopers Of Narnia, Chronicles Of A Director, The Children’s Magical Journey and much more.